Is there a difference between a Nudist, a Naturist or a Skinny-Dipper?
All enjoy the freedom from clothes or coverings and quite often in a social setting so from an outsiders view there appears little if any difference.
There is also a cultural aspect to this discussion, here in Australia the terms Nudist and Naturist are commonly used interchangeably where elsewhere the two terms refer to specific differences in lifestyle choices. Even here in Australia in the past the Naturist was seen to be a vegetarian, with no smoking or drinking and who practiced calisthenics every morning.
In our experience the difference is as much in the mind of the practitioner as it is in the observer.
From our conversations with others who enjoy going clothes-free we would propose the following in today's Australian context:
The Naturist - will seek to be clothes free at every appropriate opportunity and holds to a philosophy that provides a framework of meaning for enjoying the naked activity.
The Nudist - will also seek to be clothes free at every appropriate opportunity but purely because they enjoy the experience and that is enough to meet their needs.
Finally the Skinny-Dipper -this person just enjoys to swim and sun bathe clothes-free. They confine their clothes free activity to the beach or pool and spa.
And all of the above are valid and share an important aspect, that is the clothes free lifestyle is enjoyable!
So where do we stand on this topic?
Well as can be seen from the title of this blog we think that Naturist best describes our lifestyle choice. As such we can fully align ourselves with the International Naturist Federation definition of what Naturism is:
"Respect for self, respect for others, respect for the environment through the practice of communal nudity."
However whether you are a Naturist, Nudist or a Skinny-Dipper revel in the enjoyment of your clothes-free time and be proud of your pastime or lifestyle choice.
Hopefully there will be plenty of opportunity this year to enjoy a clothes free Summer!
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